Annual Parish Meeting 2023
Here you’ll find everything you need to know about the Red Door APM planned for Sunday October 29, 11:45am.
Annual Report
Download the 2023 reports:
Electoral Roll
The Roll contains the names and addresses of church members who:
are at least eighteen years of age;
are baptised;
attend worship in the parish (12 times in the preceding 12 months and 3 times in the preceding 3 months)
In order to attend the meeting, vote in any parish elections, or to serve on Parish Council, you must first add your name to the Electoral Roll. Please do this even if you have already done so in previous years.
Parish Council
The Parish Council is a team of church members who help manage the Property, Finance, and HR portfolios of the church. They are also responsible for disbursing funds for ministry, mission, and maintenance.
Nominations for 2023/24 Parish Council
To be eligible to serve on Parish Council, the nominee must be a confirmed Anglican, or have been received into the Anglican Communion. Their name must also be recorded on the Electoral Roll.
If you wish to nominate someone for Parish Council, please do the following:
Ask the person for permission;
Send an email nominating the person using the link below;
Have a seconder send a seperate email of nomination;
Have the nominee send a seperate email accepting the nomination.
Note: Nominations must be received by 11:45am, Wednesday 25th October.
Order of Business
The meeting will progress as follows:
Opening prayer;
Confirm a quorum (20% of electoral members);
The reception of minutes of the previous annual meeting;
The reception of the parish electoral roll;
The reception of written reports: vicar, wardens.
A report by the vicar;
A report by the finance warden regarding the 2022/23 budget;
An overview of the 2023/24 budget.
The reception by the congregation of the 2023/24 budget.
Questions for staff or parish council
Note: If you would like to address a question to the vicar or parish council, please do so before Friday October 27.
If necessary, the election of members of the Parish Council;
The announcement of the Incumbency Committee;
Thanks and closing prayer