The Parables of Jesus

“Whatever else you may believe him to have been [Jesus is] clearly the most brilliant and influential short-story teller of all time. “

~ Tom Holland, secular historian

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  • The Parable Of The Sower

    The Parable Of The Sower

    Reader: Daniel Yong

    Preacher: Jonathan Smith

    Music: Josh Henessey

    Today Pastor Jonathan starts a new series on The Parables Of Jesus. This first message looks at the parable of The Sower, and Jonathan explains to us why Jesus taught in parables.

    message for us is to investigate for ourselves the underlying truth and message of the gospel that is found in the parables.

    Red Door is an Anglican Church in Melbourne, Australia.

    We exist to be a community of people helping people make all

    of life all about Jesus.

  • The Unforgiving Servant

    The Unforgiving Servant

    Preacher: Jonathan Smith

    God’s forgiveness is vast and extravagant, and he calls the forgiven to exercise grace in forgiving others from the heart. The consequences for unforgiveness are dire.

    This week Pastor Jonathsn look at Jesus’ convicting parable of the unforgiving servant.

    Red Door is an Anglican Church in Melbourne, Australia.

    We exist to be a community of people helping people make all

    of life all about Jesus.

  • The Good Samaratin

    The Good Samaratin

    Reader: Danita O'Loughlin

    Preacher: Jonh Hudson

    Music: Josh Henessey, Joanna Justus & Bek Hudson

    Today John looks at the parable of The Good Samaratin. Often times we look at this parable and hope we can be like the Good Samaratin, but John wants us to look at this parable from a differant perspective.

    What if we are the person who was robbed, the victim who the Good Samaratin helped? If Jesus symbolises the Good Samaratin, do we recognise the full grace and sacrifical love we have been given, like the

    Good Samaratin has provided to the robbed man?

    Red Door is an Anglican Church in Melbourne, Australia.

    We exist to be a community of people helping people make all

    of life all about Jesus.

  • The Grand Banquet

    The Grand Banquet

    Reader: Anne Miller

    Preacher: Jonathan Smith

    Music: Josh Henessey, John Hudson & Bek Hudson

    Today Pastor Jonathan looks at the parable of The Grand Banquet. Jesus turns the social norms of the first century ancient world upside down when he says that we shouldn't invite people to our social events because they can return the favour to us.

    Instead, we should invite those who can never repay the favour. God's kingdom is exactly like this. God has invited us to the everlasting party that will be in heaven, but there is absolutely no possible way we could repay him.

    We are the the poor, maimed, blind and lame in this parable because we are spiritually poor, maimed by the power of sin, blinded from seeing the truth and lame because we cannot enter the kingdom of heaven on our own.

    Red Door is an Anglican Church in Melbourne, Australia.

    We exist to be a community of people helping people make all

    of life all about Jesus.

  • The Lost Boys

    The Lost Boys

    Reader: Doug Carr

    Preacher: Jonathan Smith

    Music: Leslie Edis & Josh Henessey

    The Parable of the Prodigal Son reveals that God’s love and grace is immense beyond our wildest dreams. Irrespective of the mess we have made of our lives, his overwhelming desire is to welcome us home with open arms.

    However, as per all of Jesus's parables, there is more to ths story than we normally think. This story is actually about TWO lost sons - the 'bad' son who squandered his father's wealth, and the 'good' one who stayed home.

    The church is like the 'good' son - at times thinking we are better than others, when in reality we are not, and so therefore miss out on the overwhelming desire of God to welcome us into the party as well.

    Red Door is an Anglican Church in Melbourne, Australia.

    We exist to be a community of people helping people make all

    of life all about Jesus.

  • The Persistent Widow

    The Persistent Widow

    Reader: Gehan Pereira

    Preacher: Jonathan Smith

    This week Jonathan is preaching from Luke 18:1-8. This short parable reveals that as we wait for Christ’s return, Christians will suffer injustice.

    Unlike the judge in the parable, God is just and will eagerly hear and answer our pleas for help. Our part is to persevere in prayer.

    Today we are doing something a bit different. Normally we end the sermon with a song that is reflective of what we have just heard, however, we end today's message with prayer for the persecuted church around the world, keeping in line with the teaching from this parable.

    Red Door is an Anglican Church in Melbourne, Australia.

    We exist to be a community of people helping people make all

    of life all about Jesus.