Israel vs. Hamas


There’s a lot of different opinions about the current war in Israel and Palestine. Does the Bible help us understand what’s going on? ~ Anonymous.

Thanks so much for your question, Anon. I agree theres a lot of different opinions out there, including among Christians.

The first and most obvious thing to say is that we should grieve the horrible loss of life on both sides of the battle. Jesus’ instruction to love our enemies means we should lament all harm done to all people made in his image.

That said, from what I understand of the course of events, the initial strike by Hamas on the people of Israel - many of whom were celebrating at a concert - was a reprehensible act and a violation of international law as well as God’s commands.

Regarding the question of how the Bible helps us interpret what’s going on, it’s important to note that Christians of good-will disagree on what the Bible says about the current state of Israel in God’s purposes and plans. I don’t have time to go into these difference here, but they do make a substantive difference to how one interprets the current situation.

For my part, I believe all the promises made to Israel are fulfilled in Jesus. He is the ‘True Israel’, the faithful one who succeeds where old covenant Israel failed. The gospel tells us that we can be the true Israel of God as well. If we are in Christ, the privileges and relationship He enjoys as God’s true Son, we share with him via adoption. Therefore, we inherit all of the promises given to old covenant Israel (see Ephesians 3; 1 Peter 2; Galatians 3). Therefore, the True Israel is comprised of God’s Son and those who worship him in spirit and truth - whether ‘on this mountain… in Jerusalem’ or in Caroline Springs (John 4).

Therefore, in addition to grieving over the war itself, we should mourn the fact that, today, most of Israel is unsaved. In my view, this means they do not currently have a divine right to the land. This is based on various Old Testament passages that make the worship of God the condition for occupying the land (Psalm 78; Daniel 9; etc.).

All this means that if we desire Jews to inhabit the land of Israel, we should pray that they come to know Jesus as Lord. The wonderful news is that at Jesus’ return, they, along with us, will inherit the entire earth - the New Creation, along with a New Jerusalem! (Romans 4:13; Revelation 21-22)

Of course, we need to differentiate Israel’s right to the land according to God’s promises from their rights under international law. In 1947 the UN voted to create a Jewish and Palestinian state (the so-called ‘Two State Solution) and this appears to have been violated repeatedly by Palestine - and in this case specifically - Hamas.

Anon., please do pray for peace in Israel and Palestine. God cares deeply for the people afflicted there, and yearns for the renewal of all things under the lordship of the Prince of Peace.

Love, JS


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